The VitaliWave Blog

Todo lo que necesitas saber acerca de los baños de hielo

Everything you need to know about ice baths

Ice baths have become an increasingly popular practice in the field of wellness and sports recovery. This ancient technique, used for centuries in different cultures, is gaining ground in Spain...

Everything you need to know about ice baths

Ice baths have become an increasingly popular practice in the field of wellness and sports recovery. This ancient technique, used for centuries in different cultures, is gaining ground in Spain...

manta sauna portatil

What is a portable sauna and why should you hav...

Nowadays, more and more people are looking for ways to improve our health and well-being from the comfort of home, without having to spend a lot of money on spa...

What is a portable sauna and why should you hav...

Nowadays, more and more people are looking for ways to improve our health and well-being from the comfort of home, without having to spend a lot of money on spa...

sauna de infrarrojos

Everything you need to know about the infrared ...

The benefits of the sauna are numerous and well documented by scientific research, it is also an ancient practice (about 4000 years ago, invented by the Finns). From eliminating toxins...

Everything you need to know about the infrared ...

The benefits of the sauna are numerous and well documented by scientific research, it is also an ancient practice (about 4000 years ago, invented by the Finns). From eliminating toxins...

How to Use an Infrared Sauna Blanket?

The infrared sauna blankets are an increasingly popular tool in the world of biohacking and health. They use infrared technology to provide an experience similar to that of a traditional...

How to Use an Infrared Sauna Blanket?

The infrared sauna blankets are an increasingly popular tool in the world of biohacking and health. They use infrared technology to provide an experience similar to that of a traditional...

How Does an Infrared Sauna Blanket Work?

In recent years, the infrared sauna blanket has become a popular beauty, relaxation and well-being device in the world (especially in the United States), although it has not yet become...

How Does an Infrared Sauna Blanket Work?

In recent years, the infrared sauna blanket has become a popular beauty, relaxation and well-being device in the world (especially in the United States), although it has not yet become...

¿Que es el cepillado en seco o dry brushing y por qué hacerlo antes de una sesión de sauna?

What is dry brushing or dry brushing and why do...

Dry brushing, also known as dry brushing, is a skin exfoliation technique performed with a brush with natural bristles (filaments) and is being adopted by many celebrities such as Miranda...

What is dry brushing or dry brushing and why do...

Dry brushing, also known as dry brushing, is a skin exfoliation technique performed with a brush with natural bristles (filaments) and is being adopted by many celebrities such as Miranda...